I think I have too many blogs, or places to post, or social media accounts. Have you ever felt that way? Blogs for my website, for my breast cancer journey, posts for FaceBook, SnapChat, Instagram, and of course text messages to my friends and family. Argh!!! 😳😳 Sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out, trying to keep track of all the locations I need to update people who may or may not read my blog.
I have been pretty good about keeping up with my breast cancer journey (you can read it here).
That is basically an inspirational site about living with cancer, working with cancer, traveling with cancer, doing life and living life, and occasionally important medical updates. I have had so many opportunities to live life to the fullest, I spend less time thinking about the disease as time goes by.
I haven't had a lot to share on this website, or at least I didn't think I did. But as I look back over the year (since my last blog 🙄), quite a bit has happened on the author front. I've published two new books, attended at least one big author event, and I have other ones planned.
So here's my commitment. At least once per month you will hear from me on an event or other book journey. In fact, I recently blogged about the TLA conference in my other website, but from hereon I'll save all my book updates for you.
OK, I've answered the question. TO BLOG!
Now all I need is a tagline. 🤔